Saturday, December 6, 2008

Opening Statement

Welcome to my blog. Here, I will chronicle my opinions on various things as a Fascist. Hey, isn't that what Blogging is?

First of all, I guess I'll tell you a bit about me. I'm a Fascist bordering on National Socialist (Nazi). That's right, I think Obama should go suck a dong, along with his lefty minions.

In the real world, I am sometimes physically assaulted because of my ideals; of course, studying Krav Maga, this isn't much of a problem. I will not stand for the abuse of the far Right Wing while the disgusting Leftists are allowed luxury. This may be called a journal of sorts as I go about trying to educate this nation. You may think Atheists and Communists are the hated group of America; That's utter bullshit. It's the Fascists.

Also, while I'm at it, I'll state my religion. I'm not an evangelist or psycho-religious person, but I do believe in God. My branch of Christianity is a smaller form, Scientific Lutheranism. It's the belief that God created science and the universe, then watched it play out while "scripting" what life would be like. I came to this idealogy myself, nobody preached it to me.

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