As a Fascist, I'm constantly under the accusation that I'm a Jew-hating, heartless bastard who blindly supports Hitler and has posters of him sprawled across my walls that I furiously jack off to every night before I go to bed, with my Hitler-looking teddy bear of course.
Nothing could be further from the truth; I'm a normal person, just like a man you would see walking down the street. I admit that my collection of Militaria is quite unusual, and that my behavior is slightly different, it's nothing that relates to my political ideology.
Here's a lesson about Fascism; there are several forms of it. The most commonly known form is Hitlerism, which is often mistaken as Nazism. Hitlerism is the belief in everything he did, the biggest part being the Master Race, extermination of the Jews, that sort of stuff. Skinheads typically fall into this category. Nazism is the shortened German name for National Socialism, which is Fascism with a dash of Socialism into the economic policies. Fascism is the belief in a Right Wing, autocratic state where the government actively pursues the elimination of a certain group of people, be it based on political beliefs, race, sexual orientation, or just about anything else (On the internet, it can theoretically be done by which forum someone is registered on). I personally believe in the eradication of the Left Wing, as they constantly bicker with the Right Wing. If they weren't around, there would be much less bureaucracy, therefore, less argument, and ultimately, more advancement in society and science (Leftists whine really hard about certain methods of science and how certain things are tested). Believe it or not, if the Germans had won World War Two, we would be able to live on Mars by now.
I will admit it fully and proudly: I respect Hitler. However, I don't completely agree with all of his ideals. I don't believe in the Master Race, nor do I believe in the genocide of the Jews. However, Germany was a shithole of a nation before he came around. During his rule, it became the world's most powerful nation, only brought down because all the other superpowers (Except Japan, which was on the other side of the world) united to fight it. And had there been a few changes in strategy, Germany would've won.
When Communists tell me I'm a super Hitler-loving Fascist pig, I compare them to Stalin. Promptly afterwards, they always pull the "I'm not a Stalinist I'm a Leninist/Maoist" card. Want to know something that Liberal America never told you? Leninist killed more people than Stalin did. Lenin starved over 70 million of his own people purposefully, not to mention the creation of the "Ravens" and Gulags. And Mao? He killed over a hundred million people, easily. As for Marx, well, he never was really in control of anything, so he just fails and uses "Bourgeoise" a lot. Pol Pot was perhaps the worst of them all, piling the heads of entire villages for no reason other than the possibility he got a boner as the disembodied heads stared blankly at him. Besides; why can they choose which leader they resemble, but we can't?
So, answer me this; why is Fascism evil, and Communism not?
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